Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thank the LORD

Well it all started with a little two year old named Kayden. The cute little thing had manged to spread the stomach flu around. First to her mommy, back to herself, then to her daddy, and Kirsten has it now. We were all walking out to go to Sunday school, when Kirsten starts puking. It is 930 at night now and Kirsten is feeling better, thank the LORD!!!!! She keeps telling me that she needs to see her Bubba, she needs to play with her Kacy. It is getting kinda hard to keep her in her room. Hopefully nobody else in the family gets this stuff. Just in case you are wondering her Daddy lives with Papa & Nana and my family went to Papa & Nana's on Saturday to find Uncle Chris with the stomach flu.

She finally gets to lay around in her panties and not get into trouble (for not having any clothes on). She stills looks a little weak, but a lot better.

Scooby books, I read to her......she reads to me; Scooby books helped me keep her in her bed.

YES, Popsicles also helped, helped a lot. Hey, Popsicles keeps her from getting dehydrated and they taste better.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Do you Remember....

Do you remember when you were little, looking and trying to figure out what you got under the tree. Kirsten is really starting to do it, and she is getting Kacy into it, too. I was afraid of Kirsten unwrapping all the presents. Since, all of my friends kiddos were unwrapping the gifts under the tree. My kiddos have never tried to before, but hearing the stories I was a little nervous. I just keep telling Kirsten that she has to wait for Christmas, that those are Christmas presents. So far, so good:) I took this picture after we took Cameron to the rehearsal practice, that he had at church for the Christmas program. Cameron is not into it like he was when he was Kirsten's age. He knows they are there and he has given a good shake, but he is being content in waiting for Christmas. He must get that from his Dad, I know it is not from me.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Know your friends Christmas style....

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? wrapping.

2. Real or artificial tree? artificial.

3. When do you put up the tree? Weekend after Thanksgiving.

4. When do you take the tree down? the weekend after christmas.

5. Do you like eggnog? no.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? bike.

7. Do you have a nativity scene? Not yet :(

8. Hardest person to buy for? parents.

9. Easiest person to buy for? the girls.

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I don't know??????.

11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? black Friday.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? no.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? ham.

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? both.

17. Favorite Christmas song? Oh Holy Night.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? stay in town.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? no.

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? star.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? both.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? everything and everybody saying "Happy Holidays".

23. Do you decorate your tree in any specific theme or color? no.

24. What do/did you leave for Santa? on Christmas Eve, the Kids and I always make sugar cookie cut outs, and decorate them.


Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Little Pony

Well, this Saturday was girls morning and my parents arranged for all three of the granddaughters to go to the My Little Pony show. Things got in the way and my brother ended up coming with his little girl instead of Christy. So, this morning he was one of the girls, on our girls day out. It was my brothers first time to see the two older girls in their own little world. I see it all the time, they had the back row of seats to them selves, and they talked, song and fought over stuff. Whatever they did, they did it together. Cameron got to hang out with papa all day and he loved it, especially since he got to ride all over town in papa's new corvette. I have short clips from the show that I will try to post later.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kirsten and her bike

When the weather was nice, we took Kirsten out to help her try to ride her bike. She has not yet got the pedal thing down. She does not like to wear all the safety stuff, but she will learn that it is important.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Balloon Fight

Today the kiddos had a big balloon fight and everyone joined in the fun. Kirsten kept trying to protect her little sister, but Kacy wanted no protection. Kacy wanted to be in the middle of all the balloon swinging action.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Kirsten's Party

Well, Kirsten is finally turning 3yrs old, Yea I won't have her pulling on my clothes in children's church. I will miss her going to Ms.Nancy and Ms. Faith's Sunday class and I will miss her in our class, too. She is not officially 3 until Monday. When she opens her presents every piece of wrapping paper and tape has to be off the present. It does make her take a little longer than the average kiddo tearing through the presents, but it was cute. She was so excited and was talking about her party all week. My brother was our photographer for the event, with my camera. He said he felt so special. If you think Kirsten looks a little tired, that's because she was. She took a 3 hour nap after her party.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Better Pictures

Well, I did not want the doggie on the trampoline, but the kids love it and Roscoe does too. When I took the girls outside earlier today, Roscoe jumped up there ran in circles with Kirsten, then just laid there while the girls jumped around him. When I say girls I mean my girls, Kacy loves being on the trampoline. Kacy can even get on by herself, and it is ANNOYING. I say by herself, because by herself she climbs up the slide and then onto the trampoline. I started moving the slide back and Kirsten would move the slide back or Roscoe would jump on it just right to push it next to the trampoline. I was hoping for a child who could not climb, but like big sis Kacy is probably going to be a climber.
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I just thought this picture of Cameron was to funny to post.
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This is the kids calling Roscoe onto the trampoline.
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I have such happy kiddos!
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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dogs can jump high....

Today the kiddos were outside jumping on the trampoline, and our dog jumped on the trampoline with them. The kids did take his ball so he kinda had some motivation to jump on the trampoline, but that to me is a high jump. The pictures are really blurred, I did not change my focus to take the picture. Maybe next time I will change the focus, so the picture is not so blurred. Although I don't know if I want my doggie on the trampoline.

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I am trying to teach Cameron to fix his own hair, and Colton was just a staring at us. So, I fixed his hair, he wanted it all spiked. Cameron goes with just the front spiked, that's how uncle Chris styles his hair (well when Chris used to fix and style his hair). Anyways here is a picture for Colton's mommy to see, boys that age never usually keep the style all day :)
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!

I hope everyone had a great fun filled and safe night. I know we did. Cameron was a ninja, Kirsten was snow white, and Kacy was a spider, costume from Kirsten. I met up with my brother and his family in Collinsville. His kiddos were the Grinch and the little girl who is in the movie, I forget the name. The placed in the contest that Collinsville had:)

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Colton won first place in his age division in the Collinsville contest and little miss Kayden won 2ND in her age division. Hopefully you can tell who they are supposed to be:)
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Kirsten and cousin Colton
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Cameron and Joshua
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Halloween Hats

Here is a picture of the kiddos and their hats they made, Cameron is at school. I am sure he will probably make one before the night is over. My nephew Colton, niece Kayden, and my girls. Hopefully by the end of the night I will have a group picture with them all in costumes.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Hey, I CAN DO IT!!! I made a picture BIGGER. yea, for me and all those who figure things out (for the time and effort).
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Damage from the storm

This is a picture I wanted to post before church started, but did not get to it. Kacy and her doggie watching the first short powerful storm come through (which no damage was done). I think it is so cute since Roscoe is such a big dog, but yet is so easy with Kacy. Kacy just loves to put her arm over him and lean on him.

The damage to our tree in the back yard happened during the storm that came through while we were all at church. I knew it was going to fall, I got a gut feeling that afternoon that my tree in the back yard would fall. That tree was a why I wanted this house, it was so big and it makes such a great shade tree during those hot summer days. I just sit under it and let the kiddos play in the water or whatever.

This is how my tree looks now

This is my view from my back door (sliding glass door)

My tree might have fallen, but thank the LORD it did not hit my house, which me and Josh were afraid of. My neighborhood had five city trucks on my street alone picking up stuff. On our way home last night there was trees split and some completely fallen over, stuff thrown every where and mail boxes riped up.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Kirsten was supposed to be taking a nap, but she came out of her room with a baby on her back and one in the stroller. I thought she just looked so cute. I could not send her back to bed. So, I took some pictures of the cutie pie. I even got a picture with me and my baby, well one of them. Of course at first it was all smiles for the camera, then she tells me that's enough pictures of us, and she continues to walk her babies. One of the pictures I thought she looked like one of those stars trying to walk their kid and being annoyed by the paparazzi.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

Here are some of my pictures of the pumpkin patch. I am sure I will have more to post from a pumpkin patch after I take all three of my kiddos to the pumpkin patch.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

color or no color??

So, just to let you know I love the pictures of the kiddos walking away from the camera and towards, as long as there is no smile (which Kirsten can do). Josh and I are having a debate about the first picture in black and white or color, my question is which looks better? I think I just prefer black and white and Josh is in favor of the color.

Kirsten was telling me, "Momma no pictures, I'm walking"