Thursday, July 31, 2008

A little late..... posting this post anyways. Cameron's birthday was on Tuesday and Nana and Papa did a little surprise birthday party for him. We were supposed to be going to the park by their house and just stopping bye.
We took him to the park to play.


I managed to get his foot, hand, and face.


His surprised looked, my parents had balloons, streamers, and banners all over their living room.


His favorite gift, a complete set of the star wars movies.


The cake


My CrAzY daughter.


Kacy getting a balloon down for Daddy.


Daddy putting another balloon up there so Kirsten can get a balloon down. Like always the on purpose balloon takes a little effort to get up there.


Kirsten waiting for her balloon to get up there.


Kirtsen cried when Daddy got her this high, after he went through the trouble of getting it up there.


Kacy loved being that high, she just laugh and smile. Our future cheerleader and she is so petite that she would be a good flyer.


Kirsten trying extremely hard to blow up a balloon.


Cameron flying his remote control airplane that he got.


Cameron realizing I am taking his picture.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

!!!! Happy Birthday Cameron !!!!


So, Cameron is another year older and I have a 9 year old now. Here are his 9yr pictures and if you would like to see the rest of the pictures I took
click here! Cameron keeps telling me "mom my birthday is on Tuesday, you need to get me some presents" "Mom my birthday is tomorrow and you still have not got me anything" and what is so funny about the last statement is he said it in front of Kirsten and Kirtsten went with me to get Bubba's birthday presents(I kept telling her the toys are for Bubba's birthday). Anyways when he said that to me last night Kirsten says "Bubba I'll help you with your birthday, let me go get your birthday." Cameron completely ignored Kirsten like she was just doing 3yr old stuff and not trying to get his presents for him. He just went on telling me how I have not yet gotten him anything. This is off the subject of Cameron's birthday, the whole flickr thing is so you guys can click on it and I don't have to post all my attempts on trying to be a better photographer.

Monday, July 28, 2008

just Kacy

Kacy finally got into the high chair all by herself. I took a picture of her and this first picture is her "I'm caught" expression. The next two pictures are of Kacy's new bracelet that mommy made for Kacy. She just gazes at her bracelet and pushes one bead over at a time. The bracelet has "WWJD?" on it and the purple are inspirational beads.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Heavenly is another year older and it is hard to believe that she is older than Kirsten, because she is so little. Her birthday is not until the end of the week, but I thought I would post a picture I took anyway.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Today we took the kids to the park on 116, which happens to be near my mom's house. So, when it got hot we went there and played some wii. This first picture is of Josh doing some exercise, and the second picture is of his score on it. Before it will let you play the game makes you go through a test and Josh's wii age is 36. My wii age is 23.
Heavenly liked playing the skiing game and played it the most out of the girls, and that is why I was no longer helping her. Don't think I did not start out helping her, she just got good enough that she no longer needed me :(
The top and bottom picture is of Josh playing the hula-hoop and in the bottom picture he is catching another hoop.
Josh is a great multitasker or at least he is when it comes to pushing 3 girls on the swings at the same time. I was feeding Stryder and when he finished eating I helped Josh. Well, after I took a picture of him.
We took the kids to eat at chick-fil-a and across the street I see this sign. I love Olive Garden and I am so excited that it is going to be in Owasso.

Monday, July 14, 2008


My two older ones played in the pool today, finally after all the rain and shock treatments. If it did not flood my yard and take forever to refill the pool. I might just refill the water every couple of days. Kacy was inside napping.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

my sunday afternoon

Dave is our turtle and he finally got his tank cleaned. Josh said when we got the turtle, that he would take care of him. I am not the one that wanted a turtle, Josh and Cameron wanted the turtle. Guess who cleaned the turtle tank I did, not Josh and Cameron is still a little young to clean the tank. I know I cleaned the tank out this time, but don't get me wrong Josh does take good care of it. I just spent an hour cleaning rocks and a tank, and that tank is heavy with all of the rocks and water in it. Usually I help Josh clean it out, I just never had to carry it. Which I can not complain to much, Josh helps me with keeping my pet I wanted cleaned, which is Roscoe. Dave is sitting on his filter, he loves to sit on his filter. When we first put the filter in his tank that became his new place to hang out.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My very own.....

.....cucumber eater is Kacy Ray. We were outside watering our vegetables and I looked over and saw one really big one and another cucumber. Kacy was excited when I showed them to her and then she put the cucumbers in her car(the big one would not fit) and started to drive off. If you are wondering about my other two, they are at Nana's and Papa's house. Kacy was over there, she actually wanted to stay with Nana and that's a big shocker for Kacy. I am used to my other two wanting Nana over me. Anyway, when Kacy started to fall asleep Nana asked her if she was ready for bed. Kacy "yeah, bed" and Nana gets up to take Kacy and put her in one of Nana's beds. Kacy reaction "no, My bed home." Nana asked her if she wanted to go home to go to bed and Kacy said yes. Kacy proceeded to tell Papa bye and everyone else bye as she got her sister's shoes on and headed for the door. I am relieved to say my baby still prefers me over Nana.

This picture is of Kacy's beans. She loved Nana's beans and Nana had another can that she gave to Kacy. My other kids take and ask for food from Nana's, but it usually does not come in a can and has a sweet taste to it. Kacy carried the can of beans around until we left. When she did put the can down and I would move it, Kacy would question everybody about her can. Nana always came to the rescue and found her beans.
This picture is from the 4Th of July (the bean picture was too) and I thought this picture was too cute. Elijah and Kacy drinking the water together.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sprinkler fun.

These pictures are from Monday or Tuesday, I can not remember which. The pool was clear and just needed to be vacuumed. After I vacuumed the pool all the stuff that was at the bottom made the water nasty looking. So, they had to play in the sprinkler and I had to shock the pool. Since, it was supposed to rain for the next three days I finally shocked the pool today, Friday. Heavenly and Kacy did not mind playing in the sprinkler, they loved going down the slide. The water hitting it and being all wet made them go down really fast. Cameron and Kirsten wanted to go swimming. So, they mainly jumped and acted like the sprinkler was not even on.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fun @ the zoo....

....and the splash pad by the zoo. On Thursday when I did not make it to mom's club, we took the kids to the zoo and the splash pad. I hope everyone had a great 4th, I will post some pictures of our fun and excitement later.