Thursday, August 23, 2007


Yeah, I put the girls to bed, they share a room, and I kept hearing giggling coming from the room. So, like a good parent, I went in and told them to stop and to go to sleep. Mainly, I was talking to Kirsten, because when left alone Kacy goes to sleep. A little while later, paranoid freak like myself, when I hear nothing I don't assume they are a sleep I always have to check. This picture is what I saw. Kirsten in Kacy's bed using all of Kacy's blanket, and Kacy at Kirsten's feet with no blanket. At least Kirsten could of done was share the pillow she brought into the bed, not my girl take everything leave nothing.


Annie said...

Oh Melissa, that makes me giggle! When Katie was a toddler she was in her crib in my room and we used to trade places. She would get in my bed and I would get in her crib. What fun memories! :)

Stacy said...

Oh that also reminds me of me and my sister we our 12 months apart. We use to do that! Priceless memories.
Your girls our so beautiful and they will be the best of friends some day.