Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Making Valentine Cards

Today, Kirsten's friend Kaitlyn came over to make a Valentine card with us. We all made a Val. card for their mommies. Well, my kids are making them for Papa and Nana. We always make something for them on Valentines. They always get the kids some candy and stuff, you know those grandparents. They got to use a bunch of sticker and today I let them use glitter. They showed me where they wanted the glitter and I put the glue down, but the kiddos got to spread the glitter on their card. They had a lot of fun. They can't wait to give the card to their Mommies. I would show you a post of how they look, but two of the mommies have blogs and they look at my blog. They will even have a picture of their pretty little faces on the card. I think it will be very cute. Cameron is at school, So he is not in the picture. Cameron will probably make his this weekend while the girls are sleeping

1 comment:

laura said...

You are so creative! I love that your Elijah's teacher! Too bad he will be moving to the three year old class in April!