Monday, March 31, 2008

Flowers for Mom's

We are planting flowers for our Mommies for Mother's Day. After we put the seeds in them and we watered the seeds, Heavenly wants to know where her flower is. She thought she did something wrong, because there was no flower. Anyways I thought it would be a good gift for them to grow and make. When it gets closer to Mother's Day we will decorate the cups with some construction paper, paint, sticker and etc, whatever they want to make it pretty for their Mommies. This project was supposed to be an outside thing, but with the weather we did it in my garage. If we wait to much longer they might not have flowers, if they even have flowers now. Kayden and Kirsten getting some soil for their cups, yes I made them get their hands dirty. I had a cup for them to scoop the soil, but Kirsten just preferred to use her hand. I bet some of you are wondering how I keep all these kiddos from driving me crazy and each other crazy. We do crafts like the one with the planting the flowers, but the kids also love to dance and sing. I got a video of them dancing and I am sorry, but it appears I was singing in it. I am also sad to say I am not a good singer, only the kiddos like because I do sometimes dance and sing with them, which the enjoy. I hope all of you can see the video, let me know if it won't play for you.


Annie said...

You always have such fun craft projects! You would have been an excellent elementary teacher!!!

laura said...

Aw how nice! Hey by the way that is a cute video!