Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Extra long post

My boys have been wanting a turtle for a pet for a couple of years now. Today around noon we decided to take everyone for a walk to the park to play and we also walked around the pond. Well, on the walk I found a baby turtle and Josh wanted to bring it home to keep as a pet. We took it to the pet store to find out what kind of turtle it was and what it needed to stay alive. It is some kind of pond turtle (Josh could give you the exact name and type). The pet is famous to all of the kids, they all are always bugging me to watch the turtle.

Kacy is kissing the turtle. Her Daddy told her to kiss the turtle, not thinking the girl who loves animals would actually kiss the turtle.

This was Kacy at 8:45 am on Tuesday morning. Kirsten was on the other couch looking like she could pass out, but sad to say never did until around 1:30.

I was doing laundry and with all of the kiddos I watch, I do laundry in the living room. I had all of the clothes folded and was putting them a way. I always put the stuff that does not have to be folded back in the laundry basket to sort last. When I came back up the hall I found Kacy all dressed up in every one's underwear. She has Kirsten's panties on her head, my panties around her neck, bubba's underwear around her waist, one of daddy's sock and one of Bubba's sock on, and a bib for a cape. If only she grabbed a pair of daddy's underwear. Although, We do have to give Daddy a little credit, he helped her. Daddy said her saw her struggling with some of the items and thought he would give her a hand.

This is from Monday, all of my kids that I watch during the day enjoying the weather. Kacy is always taking Roscoe's food and putting it on the cement next to his bowl. She tells me she is feeding Roscoe. He does how ever, eats all the food up that Kacy puts on the cement.

Kirsten and her picking flowers. My mom showed Kirsten that if you blow really hard they will blow away. She picks the "flowers" and blows so hard her cheeks turn red.

Colton and Kayden jumping on the trampoline. I just love how Kayden was in the background just smiling, while her brother is jumping.

Heavenly and Kacy were the only ones awake and since it was so HOT. They got to sit outside and eat some ice cream.

1 comment:

laura said...

Awesome! I want a turtle too! They are easy to please:)