Saturday, August 23, 2008

She's official

Kacy is officially two now and is old enough for her mommies class. She has been in there all summer.

On Kacy's birthday, she had to get blood drawn. She sat there no cries, no tears, just mean looks at the nurses getting the blood.

Kacy's favorite toy, Kacy's baby that the face moves, talks, cries and breaths.

Baby pictures from Kacy the day we took her home from the hospital. Look at all that hair, her hair is no longer that thick.



Annie said...

Happy Birthday Kacy! I can't believe she is two already! I remember all that thick hair, so pretty!

Kina said...

Habby Birthday Kacy!!! She is such a doll, she always seems sooo happy! I can't believe she didn't cry when they took her blood, what a tough girl!

Kina said...

okay that is supposed to say happy :)

Stacy said...

I can't believe your baby is 2 already! Happy Birthday Kacy and I love the doll!