Monday, August 10, 2009

F.O.R. cheer clinic

Kirsten had her first cheerleading clinic this past Saturday. She was supper excited about going and then when we got there things changed. They were not organized at all, didn't know which cheers they were teaching the girls, went through the cheers way to fast, and our one girl helping with my squad kept running off. I personally have never been to that unorganized cheer clinic and even Misty runs a way better cheer clinic for Upwards. I was told by some other parents that F.O.R. is very unorganized.

I think going through the cheers way too fast, acting like all the girls were experienced cheerleaders, and oh yeah Kirsten's extreme shyness made her not want to do it. When we got home Kirsten did the cheers for me and the jumps and kicks. Hopefully it will be like soccer takes a couple of times going and then she jumps in it and actually cheers with the squad. Even though she didn't cheer or hardly cheered. Kirsten sure did look cute for her clinic.




laura said...

What a beautiful cheerleader!!!! Go Kirsten:)

Taylor and Jessica Hagan said...

What a cutie! I hope it goes better next time!