Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kacy's first day of school :(

Kacy started school and it was not as nicely went as my other kids. I was finally the mom to have the crying kid and having to bail out on the kid when the poor kid is not looking. Kacy was super excited about starting school and getting to use her new tinker backpack. She practically ran off ahead of us trying to get into her school. Then my mom said bye to Kacy, Kacy froze ran back and had to have Nana go into the school with her. This should of been our first hint of the crying. We show up in the class still super excited, the teacher says hi and Nana says bye. This is when Kacy realizes everybody is leaving me here in this place by herself. I tried to get a picture with the teacher and it just went down hill from there. When I picked her up the teacher said she had a rough time and Kacy had tears in her eyes and sucking her thumb. Which she usually only does when she is sleeping and she is not even always sucking her thumb then.

Still super excited about going to school and posing with Nana. Nana is proud to say she saw all her grandbabies off to school on the first day.


This is Kacy's teacher picture. She is staring at the teacher, and did not want the teacher to come anywhere near her. Yes, she did start crying after this picture. This was the lovely picture before the crying.


I got her interested in something before I left her. Don't worry Mom, I didn't leave the poor girl crying(or was this Dad's worry).


YEAH!!! She survived!


Anonymous said...

oh the poor thing..how could you just leave her...glad she had a good time though


Annie said...

Poor Kacy! I know exactly how you feel Melissa, this is the first year of school where Lily did not cry. Hang in there. ;)

laura said...

Poor Kacy:( I hope she has a better day thursday!

Taylor and Jessica Hagan said...

That one of her starting to cry is so sad!!