Monday, February 4, 2008

Papa & Nana's house

When we went to Nana's house on Sunday, Uncle Chris let Kirsten play his guitar. She really liked it. Only probable was she is left handed. So, when she held the guitar the correct way it was kind of awkward. Even Kacy got into playing the guitar and dancing and singing. If you are wondering where's Cameron???? My parents have a p3, So, if we are there then he is playing that or bugging us to play that. My Dad will even let him play on his computer. Papa and Nana's not the best place for a kid to learn anything, just becoming a TV junkie. In the picture Kirsten wanted her pictue taken, but when we went into the living room Nana had Scooby-Doo on. I don't think anything has a chance with Scooby-Doo on the TV.


laura said...

That's a cute picture! Maybe she'll play the guitar when she get's older??? Oh and I love Alicia Keys!!!!!!!!!

Kina said...

She looks so grown up!