Thursday, July 1, 2010

Update FINALLY!!!!

So, I haven't updated my blog in a while. Hopefully, I will get better at it in the future, but don't get your hopes up if it doesn't happen. Well anyways, some things that have been going on with our dog Tabbie that I guess you could say we adopted keeps getting out of the fence. We can not figure out how she keeps getting out but she does. So every morning between 8-10 in the morning I get a call from someone saying they found my dog Tabbie or do you have a dog named Tabbie, like I go around putting tags on dogs with my cell number on them. So, I go and get her and the rest of the day she will not try and get out of the fence just in the mornings. Occasionally she will even take Lexie with her on Tabbie's morning walks she gives herself. So, I started making sure I take her on walks in the morning and evenings. which has helped, keeping my fingers crossed, but she has not yet went on a walk by herself. Tonight I took Tabbie on a walk and the girls went with me, we did have to stop and play at the playground. Which Tabbie didn't like the girls running around and playing without her.
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This is my little escape artist named Tabbie, she is the sweetest dog, but doesn't like to stay in the fence. In case you are wondering we still have Lexie which is another sweet dog, but she hates to go on walks or leave the house. Lexie has only been on one walk with Tabbie and forced walks with us.
I also have been driving the summer Y kids on their trips on Thursdays. This week was the BA swimming pool. The girls loved it, Cameron was with Papa and he went to the Aquarium. This is a picture of the girls when we got back to the transportation center.


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