Friday, March 4, 2011

52 Fridays

So, this week for me is....FASHION!!! Okay, Seriously I am the last person you want to go to for fashion advise. Unless sweets or jeans, t-shirt and a pair of flip flops is your style then I am your girl. If that is your style hate to tell you but I don't think we (yes WE) are considered fashionable. In any case, little girls love to dress up and do silly things. Plus I was very busy and couldn't take a new photo ;) So, this is what I will post for fashion. I did make the tutu, not that hard to make.


If you don't know what the 52 on Fridays thing is about.... I saw on a photography blog that I like to look at. 18 photographers got together and decided to do different themes all year long on Friday. Since I am not one of them my theme will be a week behind, but it gives me something to post on my blog. I also thought it would be fun just to do. You can view the photography blogs they are listed on my sidebar on the left, you just have to scroll down. For all of those that still post on their blogs you could join me......

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