Well, Cameron first basketball game was today. He started the season off good. He is really good in the defense area, but he still needs to build up some confidence with his offense. I know he has it in him because he shoots and makes goals all the time at home. He did make one basketball goal that I saw (2 girls...dad working). In the games to come Josh is suppose to have the game time off. Every few minutes Kirsten was asking to go to the bathroom. My parents were there and my mom kept telling me to take Kacy with us, she needs to go potty too. I took Kacy, but she just walked around the bathroom & made faces in the mirror. Just to let you know a bit of info on my Mom, She feels and believes if a kid can walk and talk, they are old enough to go potty. She had us pottied trained by two, So "no excuses." At least that's always what she tells me, my brother and his kids she says nothing. Personally I believe and feel the package change just gets to nasty, smelly and etc after a certain age, and potty training then becomes a priority. There is an age for everyone when it happens, and everyone it is probably a different age. I think this is what happened to my mom and that's why she makes the comment "they can walk & talk, they can be pottied." Her age is 2 and she watches my kids more than my brothers kiddos. Well anyways, I finally started listening to my husband and letting Kacy sit on the potty when she asked. Which usually when sister or I am going. I started Thursday evening & it is now Saturday evening and Kacy has pottied in the potty twice. The comments made Annie has me feeling relief that when I start,it will go by fast. Sandy makes me come back to reality and you just never know. Cameron had it in two months and Kirsten had it in 6 months. I thought girls were easier, maybe Kacy might prove that statement in me. I am just happy that Kacy has already went in the potty. Hey, you know what would be awesome.... if Kacy got pottied trained before I actually start. I can dream.......right. :) A bit of info on Kirsten, she likes wearing other people's clothes or none at all. She has finally got over the nothing but scooby, and an occasional "Beauty and The Beast" will be OK. When we sing songs, she shakes that booty. It is kinda weird singing "Jesus loves me" and my daughter is shaking the booty. The booty has to be way high in the air, too. Back to Cameron's game, I know I have been jumping all around on my topics, BORED. The girls slept a lot today. I should have pictures to post from the next game, Josh should be there. Then I can actually breathe and take pictures.