Sunday, January 13, 2008

Daddy's Clothes

I like to wear Josh's t-shirts to bed or around the house. After church today I put on one of his t-shirts. Well, Kirsten the girl who puts on any one's and every one's clothes asks me "Mommy that's Daddy's shirt, why are you wearing Daddy's shirt? Can I wear one, too." She kept telling me that the t-shirt was Daddy's not mine. Later on she came to me and told me "I am wearing Daddy's shirt." She also has Bubba's stocking cap and swimming shorts on.

Kacy wanted her picture taken, too. They get along so good. Kacy wants to do every thing Kirsten does. Sometimes a good thing other times a bad thing.

Kirsten got a hold of the nail polish, and did she do a good job or what? Washing her hands got the nail polish off her hand. Don't think she just painted her nails.


laura said...

Oh that is soooo funny! I'm glad the girls love hanging out with eachother. Oh and Elijah likes to wear Joshua's clothes too. He thinks they are cool!

Unknown said...

She is too funny! And great job on her nails. She does better job than I could do.

Stacy said...

Oh that is to funny! I had to buy price a pair of womans sock that were bright orange with mice on the feet to make him happy becuase sissy was getting socks. I even tried batman socks nope! Kids are to cute.

great job on the nails.