We went to the zoo with my mom this morning. The kids had a lot of fun. When we got there Kirsten asked me "Momma, why we goin to the zoo again?" Well anyways lots of pictures from the zoo and I have some more pictures from today coming. We had a very busy day. I started the day by taking the kids to the zoo with my mom, then I picked Josh up and we took the kids to Grace's birthday party at McDonald's, and then I dropped Josh and Kacy off at home (nap time) and me and the other two went and got Christi and the girls to take them to the splash pad. I ended the day with picking my mom up and going shopping, us adults only. Thank you my husband for watching my kiddos, he even gave me a back rub when I got home. I took the kids everywhere and did not make him go.
In the fist two pictures Cameron's bug should be focused and Kirsten's flower should be focused. Kirsten would not hold still. I have better luck with the flowers, as far as focusing on certain stuff. Kirsten loves to make Stryder laugh and this is her new technique. This is his face, he just laughs and he loves it.
So, I wanted to mess around with my camera. I took Cameron in the yard to take some pictures of him and these are what I got. I think they look better than what I would of got with my old camera.
....growing in my backyard that is. This will be my first tomato home grown. I have planted some pumpkins before, they did not get very big. I think that was because we were living in an apartment. Cameron wanted to grow some and my mom gave up some of her backyard. She never watered or did anything to them. So hopefully the pumpkins we are growing now will get bigger. The picture above is the tomato and below is the pumpkin. I did have another pumpkin that big, but the storms blew it off. A picture of my other roses, it was actually opening right before it started storming.
I love baby feet and I love pictures where the baby feet are focused and you can see the baby in the background. I think Josh could talk me into having another baby just so I could take pictures like this one.
I took some pictures of my dying roses and the camera was off auto. I usually cut the roses before they die and bring them inside for some decorations. I had none in the house and the roses that are just opening don't look so good because of the rain. I got more buds, and I will take some pictures of them when they open.
Well after much talk (2 yrs at home), I finally broke down and bought my camera. Cameron was very excited about the new camera. He is like his momma, all into cameras and taking pictures. In the past I would talk myself out of buying one, but the girls will be starting school and I will want to take classes. So, I thought I would start trying to figure out the cameras. Here are the first pictures I took with the new camera. Just for those who do not know my camera is an SLR and it is my first SLR camera. So, if you ever want to give me some info/advice on how to make the picture better PLEASE, PLEASE feel free to do so. Right now my camera is set to auto, because I am at the very beginning at learning all the fancy stuff the SLR cameras do.
Hope everyone enjoys Father's Day and all the Dads have a great Day. me and my dad After my Dad would open his gifts Kacy would pick up the paper and take it to the trash, such good habits.
My daughter has been going around and taking all the toothbrushes and hiding them. She loves to brush her teeth and she loves to have all the toothbrushes with her.She was supposed to be taking a nap. If you are counting the toothbrushes and it appears to be more than five. The other day she took them and I could not find the toothbrushes. So, I bought all of us a new toothbrush. She later brought me a cup full of toothbrushes.
We took the kids to the splash pad by the YMCA. This is not the first visit, but it is the first visit with the camera. Hope everyone is having a good summer. Cameron and Dad trying to talk Kacy into getting wet. Which this is the first time that we have been that Kacy did not want anything to do with the water. She is usually coming up to me saying "mum mum I wet", then she runs back into the water. Kirsten making Stryder laugh. She loves to play with him and he just smiles and laughs at her. Kacy is saying "hey" because she got wet, not knowing it was just the wind blowing the water at her.
Kirsten is trying to learn how to swim and here is her video of her first attempts on it. She loves going under water and she has to have her goggles. I think that is because Bubba has to have his.
Well, I had more pictures, but when I got home to put them on my computer I only had a few, very few. These are the only two I have of the kiddos together. We did have a good time. Cameron did not get his skin tags removed. The doctor was even going to freeze them off and Cameron was still freaking out. Oh well, when he gets older he is going to regret not getting them removed.