Monday, June 16, 2008

New Camera

Well after much talk (2 yrs at home), I finally broke down and bought my camera. Cameron was very excited about the new camera. He is like his momma, all into cameras and taking pictures. In the past I would talk myself out of buying one, but the girls will be starting school and I will want to take classes. So, I thought I would start trying to figure out the cameras. Here are the first pictures I took with the new camera. Just for those who do not know my camera is an SLR and it is my first SLR camera. So, if you ever want to give me some info/advice on how to make the picture better PLEASE, PLEASE feel free to do so. Right now my camera is set to auto, because I am at the very beginning at learning all the fancy stuff the SLR cameras do.

1 comment:

laura said...

Ooh yay I'm glad you got one! I love the first picture!